My Travels

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Trend Away from Pre-Programmed, or "Package" Tours...

Like in so many areas of our lives, the internet has certainly made its mark on the travel industry. The incredible amount of information available in cyberspace has given rise to more curious and adventurous travelers who not only want to investigate more exotic and far-flung places, but also want to have more direct control over how they spend their vacation dollars.

Throughout 2006 and continuing this year, we have experienced a significant recurrence of interest in land tours, or FITs, with India and Africa heading the list of destinations. No doubt about it: the trend today is increasingly toward independent travel arrangements which allow more flexibility and the opportunity to visit unique places uncommon to a great majority of itineraries.

Does this mean that agencies like ours will become a thing of the past as travel enthusiasts increasingly plan their own destinations and mode of transportation? To the contrary, it validates and reinforces a business philosophy we have always had: because we are in such a competitive business, we must distinguish ourselves by providing the best possible service. That’s the easy part. But, at the same time, we must continue to build a knowledge base of current trends--what to see and do, and what places are in, so we can help our clients satisfy their evolving travel needs.


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